Thursday, November 18, 2010

Project #3

I haven't really identified a problem as of today.  I have ideas, like learning dates and places of historical events or learning vocab in an ESL class.  I think Smartboards would be useful because the students could do things themselves.  It would be helpful to draw a timeline on a Smartboard and then the next day, have the students put the events in the correct order on the Smartboard.  This can be done on a regular whiteboard or chalkboard, but it takes less time and effort if it is done on a Smartboard.  The same is true for vocabulary.  There could be pictures and words and the students would have to match up the two by themselves on the Smartboard.

A Smartboard would be useful because the work is saved on the computer and can be easily accessible with the click of a button instead of having to take classroom time to tape everything on the whiteboard.  The students are able to have more time to learn because it is less "setting up" time and they are able to interact which helps most people learn better.

I haven't decided if this would be my final decision but I know I will be working by myself and would only be doing this project for this class.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Internet Safety

When I think of helping my students be safe on the internet at school and at home, my first thought is to teach them about internet safety.  I would teach them some of the dangers about putting personal information online.  I understand that most of kids now already have Facebook pages and Myspaces, so I would help them understand the need to keep things private.

The school itself will most likely have blocked websites so that students don't view inappropriate things, so I would explain to them the importance of such things and hope they understand instead of always complaining about it.  I know some teachers have programs that allow them to connect all the computers to theirs, so they can see each student's screen.  This helps in computer classes, especially when students are working independently on the internet.   

I would also walk around the classroom, trying to be involved in what my students were doing.  If I felt one of my students was in danger, I would probably intervene due to a feeling of responsibility, but I would counsel with the parents and the principal to decide on the best method.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Video...finally uploaded!

This is my video guys! It took me over an hour of trying to upload it because the internet was so slow.  I finally gave up and then got so busy over the weekend that I didn't think about posting it on my blog.  So here it is!  And...I was able to download it from Youtube, onto my computer, and then embed it into my blog!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My video on Youtube!!

Well, this was interesting! I have a video on Youtube! I have never even tried to put a video on there, simply because I didn't think I was "cool" enough or had anything good to post.  Well, it is now in the process of uploading...and taking forever I might add because the internet is really slow...but it should be done soon! My final decision was to do my video on Costa Rica, because I absolutely love that country and wanted to live there for a while. I didn't want to come back to the United States and was living in dreamland for a while. But now I know that it is next to impossible for me to live there, but it doesn't stop me from remembering how wonderful it was. Don't get me wrong, my experience there was not all up in the clouds. There were some things that I didn't like, but I still think it would be cool to live there.

I designed this project as something my students could do.  If I was teaching a state history, I would use this technique to help them express themselves and their love for a particular place in our city or state.  It would help them share experiences and each student would learn from others. I think it really helps to open up students' minds and create new perspectives on where they live.

So...I can't embed my video yet...but I will in a later post.  This one is just about my video.