Thursday, December 2, 2010

StudyBlue Flashcards

For my project, I decided to focus on the idea of flashcards for history students. It is hard for students to remember dates and names in history and no one really wants to sit down and cut up flashcards and then write on them. is a website that helps you make flashcards.

Here is what the website looks like:

The cool thing about this website is that it has more features than just flashcards.  It is really easy to use, I figured it out within minutes, and allows you to collaborate with classmates.  When you first enter the site, you have to register (it's free, don't worry!) and then you can add your classes.  Sometimes it will already have your classes on the site, making resources easier to access.  You can take notes on the site and then make flashcards with more than one side, allowing several definitions for one term.  You can look up people in your class and share notes with them, or even people in other classes. The flashcards part is the one that will help students learn dates and people better but it would also be good for them to work with each other online to share ideas that they might not have caught in class.

I have never used digital flashcards and this one seems really cool because it more resources than just the cards. It is something that I may very well use in my future classroom and introduce to my students.

Blog Post #10

  • I have used technology to research different historical topics for papers and then also for fun.  Sometimes, it is fun to just type something into google and see what pops up and then study it.
  • I have used facebook to talk to some of my classmates, and then also the Discussion Board on Blackboard.  Now, in this class, we use blogs, which I never thought I would do.
  • In my classroom, I think I will help my students understand the importance of finding acceptable sources for research and I think it would be fun to have them research a historical person and create a blog for that person. I don't know all the details of such a project because I just thought of it, but I think it would be pretty cool to read everyone's blogs. I also found this new website that I will definitely require my students to use. It is the website I am going to use for my final project, so I won't spill the beans just yet.
  • I have learned about different types of technology in this class. Getting on the computer is not my favorite thing in the world to do, so I usually just stick with what I know. I have learned about Blogs, PLN's (although I still don't really understand them, nor do I have the time to keep up with them), copyright laws, and much more that I simply can't think of right now.
  • I really like the idea of searching blogs for teaching ideas and then also using it for a project for my students. I haven't really thought of details, and it is hard to take the time to look into it because my focus is on graduating, not planning lessons for a class, but I know I will make time in the future to research these and plan better.